How to address a letter?
Write the address with Latin letters and Arabic numerals. Do not use abbreviations, initial codes, or numbers and characters that are not internationally recognized.
Include the following information:
- The first or last name of a private person or a legal entity name.
- The recipient’s street, house number, apartment number and farm name if outside the city.
- The name of the recipient’s village and municipality.
- The recipient’s zip code (the last line before the name of the city or the county).
- The recipient’s city or county.
- The recipient’s country (written in English or French for international deliveries).
If you don't know the exact address of a private recipient, you can send the letter to a post office at their request. Be sure to include the following information:
- The first and last name of the private recipient.
- The note "On demand”.
- The name of the destination post office.
- The zip code, city, or county.